Useful links

Below you can find some interesting links:

I. Literature:

  • Database for European Labour Law and Literature in Labour Law (IAAEU).

II. Court decisions

III. Laws:

IV. International Labour Law Websites:

  • International Labour Organization (ILO).
  • NATLEX the database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department.
  • Employment protection legislation database EPLex of the ILO’s Industrial and Employment Relations Department (DIALOGUE).
  • Information System on International Labour Standards NORMLEX.

V. European Labour Law Websites

VI. German Labour Law Websites

European Labour Law Network



Chair of Professor Dr Bernd Waas  
Goethe University Frankfurt 
Faculty of Law 
Institute of Civil and Commercial Law 
Campus Westend, RuW 
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main 

Secretary to Professor Dr Bernd Waas 
Ms. Gabi Kuhn
RuW 2.121 
Tel.: +49 69 798-34232 
Fax: +49 69 798-34535 

Office Hours: 
Please notice that the office is currently not occupied due to the COVID-19 crisis.