Prof. Nagan

Prof. Nagan ist in diesem Semester Gastdozent am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft und hält eine Lehrveranstaltung ab, zu der sie nachfolgend Informationen und Materialien finden:

KO Dynamic Humanism and Human Rights

Allgemeine Angaben: Kolloquium, Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Zeit und Ort: Mo 10:00 - 12:00, J. 103

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 19.5.2008


The terms human rights in this course are qualified by the words dynamic humanism. The stress of this course in terms of a theoretical gloss is to focus on the dynamic aspect of human rights or human rights as a theory that drives change in the form of advocacy, interest articulation and other strategies to secure influence on the policy making processes that influence the concrete expression of human rights practices. The course provides an introduction to the theme of human rights and change and provides as well an introduction to the theories and methods of contextual mapping, problem identification, the anatomy of decision making (including law) as is relevant to asserting and/or deciding claims vested with human rights salience. The course is therefore ambitious in the sense that it has an emphasis on the discrete number of intellectual tools that may be integrated into the practical world of human rights advocacy and decision making. The course then selects a number of contemporary problems which do not fit comfortably into the current structure of human rights discourse or the vista of professional interest and concern.


class one

class two

class three

class four

class five

other issues