Professur für Bürgerliches Recht, Wirtschaftsrecht und Informationsrecht


Oxford IP Moot Court im WS 24/25: Jetzt bewerben!

Interview: Copyright in the Artificial Intelligence Act–A Primer, 18.7.2024

Preprint: Regulating IP exclusion/inclusion on a global scale: the example of copyright vs. AI training, 18.7.2024

Article: The regulation of disinformation: a critical appraisal, 4.7.2024

Vortrag: Copyright and the Meta-Regulation of AI in the EU, 42. ATRIP Congress, LUISS University, 2.7.2024

Vortrag: AI and Copyright, 19. European Summer Academy for Law, Goethe University and Vilnius University, 28.6.2024

Blogpost: Copyright and the meta-regulation of intermediary services and artificial intelligence, 13.6.2024


Lehrbuch Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte, 19. Auflage 2023