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Frau Prof. Dr. Gabriele Britz, Richterin des Bundesverfassungsgerichts a.D., hat den Ruf auf die Professur für Öffentliches Recht mit einem Schwerpunkt im Verfassungsrecht (Nachfolge Prof Dr. Georg Hermes) angenommen und ist zur Professorin an der Goethe-Universität ernannt worden. Sie wird ihren Dienst am hiesigen Fachbereich zum 1. April 2024 aufnehmen. Wir werden Frau Prof. Dr. Britz im Newsletter für das Sommersemester 2024 näher vorstellen.


Liebe Kolleg:innen,

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Louis Kotzé zum Thema Courts, Climate Litigation, and the Evolution of Earth System Lawam Dienstag, der 23. April 2024 ab 18 Uhr im Seminarhaus, SH 4.104 am Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1. Dazu laden wir vorab herzlich ein! 

Prof. Dr. Louis Kotzé, Professor für Jura an der juristischen Fakultät der North-West University, SA, Senior Professor für Erdsystemrecht an der University of Lincoln, UK und Direktor des Programms Governing the Planetary Commons: a Focus on the Amazon am New Institute in Hamburg. 

Der Titel des Vortrags lautet „Courts, Climate Litigation, and the Evolution of Earth System Law“. 

Numerous science reports have evidenced the fundamental transformation of the earth system due to human activities. These massive and unprecedented changes – captured today under the term Anthropocene – require a new perspective on global law and policy. The concept of 'earth system law' introduces a new perspective by situating law in an earth system context. To date, however, the discourse on earth system law has not fully recognised courts as key actors that could shape earth system governance. Focusing on climate governance, we posit that courts are already playing an increasingly influential role within and beyond national borders, and they need to be recognised as important Anthropocene institutions within the evolving earth system law paradigm. Drawing on several prominent climate cases in different jurisdictions, we identify and discuss five inter-related domains where this influence of courts on earth system law can be discerned: establishing accountability, redefining power relations, remedying vulnerabilities and injustices, increasing the reach and impact of international climate law, and applying evolving insights from climate science to adjudicate legal disputes. We suggest that the innovative work of the judiciary in these domains could provide a basis for positioning courts as key actors in the discourse of earth system law.

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Herzliche Grüße,

Marie-Theres Piening