Chair of Private Law, Commercial and Business Law, Jurisprudence

Welcome to the website of Prof. Tröger

Postal Address:

Prof. Dr. Tobias Tröger
Professor of Private Law, Commercial and Business Law, Jurisprudence
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Institute of Private- and Business Law
Box: HoF 22
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 (Westend Campus)
60629 Frankfurt am Main


Susanne Schirmer (HoF 1.23a)
Phone: +49 69 798 300971
Fax: +49 69 798 30077
E-Mail: office_troeger[at]

Picture of the chair during summer 2022

Tobias H. Tröger

Susanne Schirmer

Academic Staff
Dr. Nikolai Badenhoop
Dr. Sebastian Steuer
Lea Borger
Julian Greth
Jonathan Pfitzer
Bella Sosnov
Josephine Uhlig

Student Assistants
Serhat Cengiz
Victoria Dintelmann
Jee In Kim
Chiara Ley
Claire Meyer

Former employees
Jannes Drechsler
Alexander Friedrich

Qianting Gao
Jennifer Gehrke
Alperen Gözlügöl
Marie Ghanem
Gustavo Grebler
Benedikt Happ
Paul Harenberg
Fabienne Held
Thomas Kelm
Theresa Kreft
Lara Milione
Viviane Opitz
Lisa Pfaffinger
Marlon Prutzer
Andreas Roth
Philipp Scheibenpflug
Daniel Schellenberg
Ann-Kathrin Schmitt
Henriette Siegmund
Wolfram Stein
Gerrit Tönningsen


The Chair's scholarship seeks to enhance the understanding of law and its institutions and to evaluate ongoing projects of law-reform from a consequentialist perspective.The evaluation of alternatives in both interpretation and legislation applies a methodology that is hospitable for the models and insights of social and cognitive sciences. On these grounds, increasing attention is devoted to empirical studies that go beyond the collection of data and employ methods of statistics and econometrics that allow to determine causal relations and interdependencies within institutional settings. Normative considerations are mainly based on the guiding objective of increasing overall social welfare. The outlined research activities are reflected in interdisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional collaborations and alliances. Regular participation in pertinent discussion groups and seminars ensures that research results and topics also reflect the views and needs of legal practitioners.
Research topics focus on various aspects of corporate, securities, banking and contract law. In these areas not only traditional questions are analyzed  from the delineated perspectives, but also new developments are critically accompanied from the respective angle. In corporate law the possibilities and limits of supranational harmonization will be explored. The alternative of regulatory competition between national legislators, regulators and private standard setters respectively will be considered as well. In addition, various legal institutions of organizational and securities law will be (re-)examined using current economic theories of the firm and capital markets. In banking law, prudential regulation and its enforcement will be analyzed with a particular view to the sustainability of the financial architecture. Research will focus inter alia on prudential supervision and resolution of financial institutions. The idiosyncratic aspects of the corporate governance of financial institutions will receive specific attention. The respective research initiatives are integrated in the interdisciplinary center Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE), the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS)and the European Banking Institute (EBI). In contract law, the incentive effects of remedies for breach of contract constitute a focal point of the Chair's scholarship. Moreover, the important impact of default rules and their judicial interpretation is considered with a special view to the prospects of dynamic development in European Private Law. 

With respect to legal theory, the research methodology and the normative benchmark employed in the analysis of both existing and evolving corporate and contract law raises the question in how far an efficiency-oriented approach to law is legitimate and adequate.


SSRN Author Page


In line with the research profile of the chair, I supervise dissertations in the areas of private and business law that I represent in my scholarly work. Potential topics for Ph.D.-theses must promise a fundamental and innovative contribution to scholarship in their field. I welcome comparative and interdisciplinary research approaches, particularly those situated at the intersection of law and economics (Economic Analysis of Law).

To ensure the adequate supervision of doctoral students, I generally confine the acceptance of Ph.D.-candidates to those who achieved results significantly above-average in the First State Examination or their comparable foreign law degrees. Applicants I do not know in person yet should have an articulate idea of a potential dissertation topic. In all cases, applicants will have to make sure to meet the general requirements for admission to doctoral studies at the Department of Law at Goethe University.

If you contemplate writing a dissertation under my supervision, your written application should not only include the usual documents (CV, photo-copies of diplomas, transcripts etc.) but also an outline of your research interests and your motivation for seeking to pursue them under my supervision.

The final acceptance as a Ph.D.-candidate will occur on the basis of a seminar-presentation of the contemplated research topic of the doctoral thesis or a comparably detailed research proposal.

Completed Dissertations

Lisa Pfaffinger – Unbeschränkte Gesellschafterhaftung und Gläubigerschutz - Eine ökonomische Betrachtung des Haftungssystems der Personengesellschaften [Unlimited Shareholder Liability and Creditor Protection – An Economic Analysis of Partnership Liability Law]

Philipp Scheibenpflug – Aktienrechtliche Vermögensbindung und Verhaltensrisiken [Capital Maintenance and Shareholder Opportunism in the German Stock Corporation]

Henriette Karoline Sigmund – Bindung durch Versprechen oder Vertrag - Untersuchung der Behandlung öffentlicher Belohnungsaussetzung im deutschen und englischen Recht aus dogmengeschichtlicher und rechtsökonomischer Perspektive [Binding Effect Created through Promise or Contract – A Comparative Analysis of Promises of Reward under German and English Law from the Perspectives of a Historical Dogmatism and a Law and Economics Approach]

Gerrit Tönningsen – Gemeinsame europäische Bankenaufsicht nach der Bankenunion - Der einheitliche Aufsichtsmechanismus als Modell für die effektive Überwachung transnationaler Kreditinstitute? [Banking Oversight in Europe post Banking Union: The Single Supervisory Mechanism as a model for the effective supervision of transnational financial institutions]

Theresa Kreft – Die Trennbankenregime im Vereinigten Königreich und Deutschland – eine rechtsvergleichende und rechtsökonomische Analyse [Banking structural reform in Germany and the United Kingdom - a comparative and economic analysis]

Alexander Friedrich – Die novellierte Debt Governance für Banken in der Europäischen Union [Amendments to the Debt Governance for Banks in the European Union]