ELLN Annual Legal Seminar 2014

New Forms of Employment and EU Law

The 7th ELLN Legal Seminar on the New Forms of Employment and EU Law took place in The Hague (The Netherlands) on 27 and 28 November 2014.

ELLN Annual Legal Seminar 2013

Undeclared Work

The ELLN Annual Legal Seminar 2013 on „Undeclared Work“ took place on 17th and 18th October 2013 in Frankfurt/Main Germany.

The Annual Legal Seminar discussed three important subjects. The first was the legal typology of undeclared work. Prof. Edoardo Ales (member of ELLN) provoked the discussion with the thesis that to describe the multifaceted socio-economic phenomenon of undeclared work, a typology based on ´paid activity´ is required rather than traditional legal concepts. The second theme was sanctions. The discussion on possible sanctions was opened by Prof. Bernd Waas (Co-ordinator of ELLN) who advocated a wide notion of sanctions, including for instance the use of civil law besides administrative and criminal law. The last topic of the conference dealt with the transnational aspects of undeclared work and the role of EU legislation. Prof. Sonia Mc Kay introduced this theme with a focus on three areas: informal posting, third country nationals and cross-border informal work. The themes were elaborated during the Seminar by means of presentations and working group discussions.

ELLN Annual Legal Seminar 2011

Protection against Dismissal in Europe - Basic Features and Current Trends

The Annual Legal Seminar 2011 dealt with "Protection against Dismissal in Europe - Basic Features and Current Trends". The seminar took place from 24 ‐ 26 November 2011 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

As preparation and background information a Thematic Report was prepared by the Network with the aim to provide a comparative overview of the trends and problems with regard to the termination of employment relationships in the private sector at the initiative of the employer with a specific focus on dismissals for business reasons. This theme was further elaborated during the Seminar by means of presentations, working group discussions and a panel discussion.

ELLN Annual Legal Seminar 2009

Towards a New European Employment Relationship

The 2nd Annual Legal Seminar of the European Labour Law Network “Towards a New European Employment Relationship” - Problems, Differences and Challenges across the European Union – took place on 12 and 13 November 2009 at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities - Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The seminar was closed to the public.

The conference was opened by Prof. Spiros Simitis – Director of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, and Armindo Silva from the European Commission, Head of Unit – EMPL/F2, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, DG. Papers on the themes “Variations of the term ‘employee’ in Europe”, “Specific labour rights for special groups, but a floor of rights for all dependent persons?” and “Tackling bogus self-employment” were presented by Prof. Mark Freedland, St. John’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom, Prof. Robert Rebhahn (member of ELLN), University of Vienna, Austria, Dr. Guy Davidov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Prof. Ann Numhauser-Henning (member of ELLN), Lund University, Sweden, Dr. Silvia Spattini, Marco Biagi Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, as well as by Dr. Tomas Davulis (member of ELLN), Vilnius University, Lithuania.

Subsequently, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the topics in more detail in working groups chaired by Prof. Jens Kristiansen (member of ELLN), University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Prof. Raluca Dimitriu (member of ELLN), Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania, and Prof. Manfred Weiss, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

European Labour Law Network



Chair of Professor Dr Bernd Waas  
Goethe University Frankfurt 
Faculty of Law 
Institute of Civil and Commercial Law 
Campus Westend, RuW 
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main 

Secretary to Professor Dr Bernd Waas 
Ms. Gabi Kuhn
RuW 2.121 
Tel.: +49 69 798-34232 
Fax: +49 69 798-34535 
E-Mail: sekretariat-waas@jur.uni-frankfurt.de

Office Hours: 
Please notice that the office is currently not occupied due to the COVID-19 crisis.