English Version

Welcome to the English Page of the Equal Opportunities Council of the faculty of law!

Welcome to the English Page of the Equal Opportunities Council of the faculty of law!

What is the Equal Opportunities Council?

The Equal Opportunities Council ("Gleichstellungsrat") is the elected female representation council of the faculty of law. Every status group of the faculty (technical-administrativ employees, scientific employees and students) is represented through several members of the council.

What is the purpose of the Equal Opportunities Council?

The Equal Opportunities Council campaigns for the interests of the status groups and works towards equal opportunities for all members of the faculty. It aims to promote changes towards a more gender and diversity-sensitive academic culture and to raise awareness regarding (sexual) discrimination and violence. 

What are the main responsibilities and tasks of the Equal Opportunities Council?

  • Attending job interviews at the faculty to guarantee equal opportunities regarding employments
  • Organizing various events on subjects such as the reconciling of work and family, gender equality and feminism/feminist legal theory like the Working Lunch and the Feminism Study Day
  • Providing a suggestion and complaints box ("Kummerkasten") for all concerns of the faculty members
  • Regularly donating books to the libary of the law faculty 
  • Esthablishing different funding options for women of the faculty 

How can the Equal Opportunities Council be contacted?

The Equal Opportunities Council can be contacted via E-Mail:

Each member can also be contacted directly via E-Mail. Contact informations can be found here.

To contact the council anonymously, a message can be left at the suggestion box. The suggestion box is located in front of room RuW 1.134.

Further information and material in English